“Artist of the Heart” Blog

Stefanie’s Artist of the Heart blog exists to:
Tell stories behind the music, to inspire, equip, encourage, or challenge.
Share my music adventures, including updates and stories.
Inspire you to also live as an artist of the heart: serving others well, filled with hope and compassion.
Blog Posts

Grandma’s Light

Thoughts behind “Just Be”

Thoughts behind “Love Take Over”

Thought behind “Not Alone”

Thoughts behind “New Song”

Thoughts behind “And”

Plasticity - thoughts behind the music

Eden’s Embrace vision and journey

Finding Peace in a Different Christmas

Heart behind "Heartbeats" Songwriting Series

Communicating through Electric Guitar in Worship

Life Lessons from the Congregational Songwriting Process

7 Tips for Better Relationships

Clearly Passionate: A Look Inside One Worshipper's Heart

Music, Emotions, & Worship

12 Keys to Freedom: Unlocking Peace and Joy

Songs about Justice written by a Social Worker

Learning to Co-Write Life

Caring about Black History Month as a White Woman