Music, Emotions, & Worship
Recently a friend raised a question about emotionalism in worship music. We want to make sure we’re actually responding to God in worship, and not just responding to music. I’ve been at this for a long time, and have learned from worship leaders in a variety of denominations and settings… so here’s my take on it as a worship leader.Music, emotions, and worship are closely connected. My wedding songs, for example, flood my mind with emotion-filled memories, stirring affections and emotional connection with my husband… I can let these feelings lead me to worship my husband or worship the God who gave me my husband.So is it misleading to respond emotionally in worship to God? Not necessarily. God wants us to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength… emotions and stirring affections are definitely part of that!A test I’ve used for myself is to assess whether I’m still stirring affections for God and declaring God’s worth (worship) in my everyday life, through words and actions… no matter if there’s worship music playing, and no matter who’s around. If I’m not, then yeah… I’m probably more responding to the music than to my God.
LEADING WORSHIP: Worshipping through Playing/Singing