Thoughts behind “Just Be”

At the start of 2020 shutdown, I found myself getting very anxious. Music was my main work at the time and I had just released Eden's Embrace EP, but all my gigs were cancelled. I decided to isolate out of love for high risk family, but didn't know what was to come or my role in it... cue anxiety.

I went for a bike ride and noticed that, despite a global pandemic reaching my corner of the world with a million questions attached, things around me seemed to go on as usual... the sun was still rising, birds still chirping, lawns still being mowed, kids still playing in the yard.

I asked God, "what do I do now?" The answer I heard: Just Be. Exist in the rhythm of life that has been going on long before you and will continue after you're gone.

As someone who has always had her hands in multiple things at once, this was not something I was used to. But I remembered what Moses heard when he asked the Divine name: God said to tell the Israelites, "I AM has sent me to you."

If God is "I am," then I can "just be."

So this is a mindfulness song: an immersive gift that helps us enter more fully into life. A song that allows us to be human beings instead of doings, each unique and valuable in our own right. One that invites us to notice the world around us, and release our fears, dreams, pain, and questions to the spiritual mystery.

🌐Plasticity EP 🔀

🎧 Listen now -


Grandma’s Light


Thoughts behind “Love Take Over”