Story behind "Tears Fall"

I wrote "Tears Fall" before I ever knew that I would work with survivors of all types of abuse.I was reading an incredible book called Good News About Injustice by Gary A Haugen (President of International Justice Mission) for one of my grad classes.  Something he said inspired me to stop and write.I reflected on the horrible abuses countless people go through.  I wanted to fight the lies with truth: it's not their fault, hindsight is 20/20 ("should haves" don't matter now), and it's not punishment--they didn't "deserve" this more than another.  I also wanted to tell them that they are not alone.  I hear their cries in my heart and I believe them; and God hears their cries, and cries with them over the choices that people make.After I finished journaling my thoughts, I got out my guitar.  Within an hour, "Tears Fall" was complete.  It was the fastest song I've ever written, and also the most poignant.God wants to rescue and heal those who have been abused, and He also wants to use us in the process.  We just have to show up as we're called.So far, I've been honored to share this song at a sexual assault vigil and two fundraisers for sex trafficking aftercare programs.  An abuse survivor came up to me after one of them, saying how she saw herself in my song, and felt heard and loved.  This is why I wrote it.


Story behind "Wait in Hope"


Story behind "Introvert"