Story behind "The Queen"

This song is part of a free 4-song demo, available through my website: Queen ~ live video hereWARNING:

  • This one’s a bit heavy, and might make you angry if you misunderstand my intentions.
  • My interpretation of this song is meant for those who profess Christ.  (I think the song can relate to people either way.)

With that out of the way…  :)There are certain idols that some cultures put before God: our one true King of Kings.The Queen in this song represents those idols…

  • money, luxury, consumerism, and hoarding for ourselves

  • defining our own truth, or believing whatever majority culture is saying in the moment

  • believing in ourselves

  • country

All that glitters is not gold.The book of Revelation in the Bible warned God’s people against bowing down to Rome.  Yet, many people who profess Christianity tend to do the same thing… put allegiance to one’s country above allegiance to God.I am not against respect for one’s country, government, and military.  The Bible instructs us to submit to government’s authority.  I also have many family members who served in the armed forces, and I greatly appreciate their sacrifice.However, when people who profess to follow Christ:

  • Feel a strong allegiance when they see the flag, but not when they see the cross…
  • Get teary eyed when they sing about country, but not when they sing about the Kingdom of God (the “nation” all believers belong to)…
  • Feel thankful when they talk about those who died for our country’s freedom, but not when they talk about the one man (Jesus) who died for the eternal freedom of all people who seek him…
  • Seek and depend on money no matter the cost, rather than seeking and depending on the Provider of all things…
  • Define our own truth and morality or simply going with majority culture, rather than seeking what God says is true and good…
  • Believing in oneself or other people, rather than placing trust in God…

…then there is clearly a problem of idolatry: worshiping another above God.The “Queen” will always come up short.  In the end, the King has the ultimate say.Let us actually place our total allegiance, trust, and worship with the one who deserves it: the King of Kings.


Then I wrote a book


Fresh Start in Charleston