Story behind "Little Ones"

I wrote this song (lyric video here) the day of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut (December 14, 2012).  The news broke my heart.  I remember sitting in my co-workers office at the Rape Crisis Center in Texas, heavy-hearted over the terror that the children, educators, and families just endured.  My husband is from Connecticut, and at the time I was doing bullying and violence prevention programs in schools… so needless to say, in more ways than one, it hit home.  I wished I could be there to help.  But all I could do was pray, and trust that the Lord would again fulfill His promise to be close to the brokenhearted.The US began to hear the stories of heroic teachers and children doing all they could to protect those around them, some even sacrificing themselves.  I wrote some of those stories into my song, to honor those heroes… some of whom did not make it.Years later, I still wanted to record and share this song, to let the families and friends of the 20 first grade students and 6 women killed, and the heroes still here, know that they are not forgotten.  I know they will forever be impacted by that day.In those moments of terror and evil that come, we wish we could fix it, stop the pain, and prevent it from ever happening again.  But sometimes all we can do is also the very best thing we can do: just sit with people in their pain.  As we come alongside them, they know they're not alone. God also moves through us, helping us all feel His presence drawing near.(If you'd like a free download of this song, visit to let me know where to send my free 4 song demo.)


Rock Band Years: Enough Said


Pre-Teen Years: Tablature, Michelle Branch, and Rock Bands