Pre-Teen Years: Tablature, Michelle Branch, and Rock Bands

The guitar I got at age six sat there for years.  Tragic, I know.  I could've been so much better by now! :-P  But as a pre-teen I was into music that didn't involve much acoustic guitar. I'd like to say I was raised on all the cool kid music from back in the day like the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkle... but I was actually into the Backstreet Boys and other 90s pop music.  So unfortunately there wasn't much of a draw for me to play my instrument.  What can I say?  Besides I'm sorry... and I've learned since then.  hahaThen Michelle Branch happened.  A current popular musician who was female and played guitar was all I needed to hear.  I saw a friend from chorus and church playing guitar, so I asked what he'd recommend.  He offered to teach me to read tablature.  (Tablature is a simple way for guitarists to communicate music on paper... much easier to read than sheet music.)  That opened up my world of music.  I started learning some of my favorites.  I also started writing some very elementary-sounding tunes about teenage struggles (ya know... being me, being liked, being good enough, etc.), just to let it out.207308_502920697446_8268_nMy sophomore year, I saw a rock band at a youth event, and I decided I wanted to do what they did.  I told my Dad about it, and he talked with a local country star he knew (Josie Waverly).  She told him to basically give me permission to just do it: to play, to write, to learn, and to find places I could perform.  So that's what we did.207188_502920682476_3466_nMy Dad bought me an electric guitar and set me up with beginner electric lessons from his friend.  I approached my friend who wrote poems, telling her I wanted to start a band.  She agreed and bought a bass guitar.  She didn't know how to play bass, but decided she could learn.  We just needed a drummer.  So we asked my sister if she'd learn.  She was thrilled that her big sister finally wanted to play with her, so she agreed!  My Dad got her a drum set and lessons.  We set up in his basement and began our band adventure. 


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Story behind "Shifting Winds" EP