Gratitude and Celebration
What are you grateful for? Have you celebrated these things lately? It's an important part of surviving service!I love that my church has a culture of celebration, and embraces passionate gratitude expressed in worship!Excerpts from Surviving Service: Effective Response to God’s Call for Justice (pages 165, 167)—
"The victims of injustice in our world don't need our spasms of passion; they need our long obedience in the same direction—our legs & lungs of endurance; and we need sturdy stores of joy“ (Gary Haugen, International Justice Mission).
If we want to last in caring for other people, we need to know how to care for ourselves.We know that the harvest is messy, people are messy, and change takes time. Therefore,anytime we see even the smallest of victories, we need to celebrate them! Celebrate changes in people, circumstances, communities, and policies. Celebrate things youhelped accomplish, others helped accomplish, and God accomplished. Do so with zeal!
Celebrate life! Part of actively pursuing self-care is remembering and recognizing the goodness of life, God, and people. Notice the good things out there. Celebrate however you like (as long as it’s not destructive, of course); dance, worship, or have a party! Be thankful. Thankfulness brings joy!