Why should my church host a concert?
The difference music makesWhen I was in high school, my parents were divorcing, and things were not what they should be. My friend invited me to a youth event that had music, games, and a speaker. It was there that I decided I wanted Jesus in my life, and I wanted to follow Him no matter the cost. I saw that being a Christian was not about going to a “boring” church service where they tell you stuff you already know (“Jesus died on the cross for my sins so I can go to heaven”). It was WAY more than that. It was a life-changing commitment and grand adventure of following the King.Yes, the speaker made an impact, but I think it was the whole experience. I heard songs about the difference Jesus made in the bands’ lives. I saw musicians who were so passionate about Jesus that they’d be willing to give up their Saturday to go hang out with a bunch of obnoxious teenagers and tell you about it. The games were fun, and people cared for me there.The next year I went to the same event, and brought my younger sister along. That year, she dedicated her life to Christ too. The music was awesome that year. My friends and I started going to more and more concerts of a local band that was there. As I listened to their lyrics, I started caring about what they sang about. They sang about spreading the gospel, about making a difference in the world, about listening to Jesus. To some people, they were just a loud rock band. But in reality, they were making disciples, and I was one of them.The thing about music, is that it goes past the brain, and speaks directly to the heart and spirit. That place is where true change takes place. I heard people say “Jesus loves you” a thousand times, but once I heard “Jesus loves you, and you belong to him” in a spirit-filled song message, I started to believe it. I started to take it to heart, and build that relationship.I started listening to more music made by Christians. I got into the popular bands at the time: Relient K, Superchic[k], Barlow Girl, Thousand Foot Krutch… Their lyrics taught me what it meant to follow Jesus with my whole life. From what I could tell, they lived it out. I started to live differently, too. I began to care about what God wanted for my life and our relationship. I started caring about people more, and wanted to minister to them. When I wasn’t in church, the Spirit was using these songs to minister to me. Then they’d get stuck in my head and become my life anthems.Soon, I started making music with my Christian friend and sister. Our first songs were ok at best, but we had a passion and a fire to spread the good news through music. God used our willing hearts to minister to people for almost a decade. I’d hear from listeners things like: “this song helped me see that it’s time to forgive my sibling,” or “this song prompted me to turn my fears over to God and trust him,” or “this song inspired me to be more mission-oriented in my life,” and more. The best part was, I was just a teenager who wrote some heartfelt, not-so-musically-great songs with my girlfriends. This was just the beginning of my journey of God working through the gift he gave me.I’ve also heard from other artists testimonies about how God used their songs to save a person’s life, or bring them into a relationship with Jesus. I never want to be the person who says “God use me more than them.” The Body of Christ needs to work together to build the Kingdom.Every serious musician who is a Christian looking to serve others has a mission. Mine is to make music that can be used as a resource to inspire restorative hope to the hurting and inspire acts of compassion in a dark world (or “inspire hope and compassion”). The reason I have that mission is because I have been in tough situations and transitions holding onto any hope that I can, and I have been the one to go into those dark places to bring compassion to people. So, I minister out of my experiences. I am passionate about inspiring more people to get out there and do likewise. I can only complete that mission if I get the chance to minister to people through my music. This happens through getting my music to people online, and through concerts.When you host a concert, you are not just hiring entertainment for the evening. You are bringing in a complete person: one with a story, a passion, and a ministry. My story includes struggles of a broken family that taught me to see through eyes of compassion, holding onto hope through major life transitions, and confronting injustice face-to-face. In addition to my life experiences, I have experience in social work, missions, and ministry. I bring all of these things to the table when I write my songs, perform them for people, and share the inspiring stories behind them. I am first and foremost a lover and worshipper of God, secondly a minister and missionary, and thirdly a passionate musician. That is what you get when you bring me in: not just a creative musician, but a complete person in ministry.Each artist has a different story and a different ministry. By bringing them in, you are giving your congregation and community the chance to be ministered to by a complete person (or team of people), who is prepared and excited to do so.Why host a concert? It’s a different way to help meet your goals as a church. Music can go a long way to help disciple people, as I’ve shared in my own story. As you’re coming up with creative ways to minister to your congregation and community, a concert can be like the straw that broke the camel’s back (in a good way). God can work through it to provide breakthroughs for people who are on the brink of something incredible.Imagine the potential for your congregation to hear the Word, presented in a fresh way, that speaks to the deepest parts of the spirit, and moves people to a passionate response. What is your mission for this stage of your ministry? Chances are, you can find a musician who is able and willing to help you meet that goal.A Christ-centered concert is more than a fun night of clean entertainment. It can become a whole ministry experience for people, if you do it right. (I’ve included another post to help you the most out of a concert event.) We’re all in this together, and musicians are one part of the Body of Christ that are ready to serve!How do I Make the Most out of a Concert?